B.R.A.S.H Syndrome
Bradycardia, Renal Failure, AV Nodal Blockade, Shock, and Hyperkalemia
This infographic provides a comprehensive look at B.R.A.S.H syndrome, a critical condition resulting from the interaction of AV nodal blockade, hyperkalemia, and renal failure, leading to bradycardia and shock.
Differential Diagnosis
- B.R.A.S.H results from the combined effects of AV nodal blockers and renal failure, contributing to hyperkalemia and bradycardia.
- Hyperkalemia can independently cause bradycardia; ECG findings typically show peaked T waves and flattened P waves.
- AV Nodal Blocker Toxicity may also mimic B.R.A.S.H, often triggered by infections, new medications, or electrolyte imbalances.
- Contributing factors include medications like beta-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, and diuretics.
- Renal failure leads to reduced excretion of medications and potassium, exacerbating the condition.
- Reduced renal function impairs the clearance of AV nodal blockers, causing bradycardia and worsening hyperkalemia.
- This creates a vicious cycle, with shock lowering cardiac output (CO) and renal blood flow, further decreasing GFR and increasing potassium levels.
- Patients often present with bradycardia, recent GI illness, dehydration, and multiorgan failure.
- ECG changes include peaked T waves and prolonged PR intervals.
Management Considerations
- Hyperkalemia: Treat with IV calcium, albuterol, insulin, and dextrose to promote intracellular potassium shift.
- Bradycardia and Hypotension: Use epinephrine or isoproterenol; consider temporary pacing if needed.
- Hemodialysis: Indicated in severe cases of hyperkalemia.
- Fluid resuscitation: Use balanced crystalloids if non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is absent.
- For beta-blocker toxicity, consider lipid emulsion therapy; administer digoxin-specific antibody fragments in cases of digoxin toxicity.
Created by Dr. Chelsea Amo-Tweneboah
Reviewed by Dr. Rawan Amir and Dr. Jessie Holtzman
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