CardioNerds Healy Honor Roll

The CardioNerds Healy Honor Roll is the list of cardiovascular fellowship programs which support the CardioNerds mission to Democratize Cardiovascular Education. Each honor roll program nominates a CardioNerds Ambassador & contributes open-access content by way of CardioNerds Case Reports Series.

CardioNerds Ambassadors are fellows nominated by CardioNerds fellowships to represent education at their program.

The CardioNerds Healy Honor Roll is named after Dr. Bernadine Patricia Healy, a CardioNerd Hero who was the first female director of the National Institutes of Health and accomplished incredible achievements during her career.

CardioNerds Clinical Trials Network

The CardioNerds Clinical Trials Network aims to marry trial enrollment with FIT personal and professional development. 

CardioNerds Clinical Trials Program Goals
✔️Invigorate a love of cardiovascular medicine & science – by cultivating FIT interest and development in clinical research.
✔️Provide mentorship & sponsorship – by creating a professional network around each FIT trialist.
✔️Promote diversity, equity, & inclusion – by encouraging and rewarding enrollment of women and minorities. 
✔️Create & disseminate education – by empowering the most active FITs to create podcasts and other educational content related to trials. 

CardioNerds Conference Scholars

CardioNerds Conference Scholars represent CardioNerds at conferences and scientific sessions with the goal to distill key takeaways as part of our mission to Democratize Cardiovascular Education.

Their work is amplified by the CardioNerds Platform.

CardioNerds Academy

The CardioNerds Academy was founded in January of 2021 to further the democratization of cardiovascular education and to create digital content for asynchronous medical education with the overarching mission of marrying content creation with personal and professional development. 

The Academy harnesses the entire CardioNerds network and platform to facilitate mentorship, networking, and collaborative efforts at the national and international level.

CardioNerds academy fellows are divided into 4 equal “Houses of Cards” that are named after cardiology legends, Vivien Thomas, Helen Taussig, Edith Jones, and Willem Einthoven.

CardioNerds Journal Club Logo

#CardsJC - Journal Club

CardioNerds Journal Club is a monthly forum for CardioNerds to discuss and breakdown recent publications on twitter and are produced with a corresponding infographic and detailed blog post.

Use and search #CardsJC to follow and participate in the conversation

Think of it as a Flash Mob of people coming together at one time on #CardioTwitter to discuss the latest trials in a healthy and collaborative way!

Follow @CardioNerds & @CardioNerdsJC twitter accounts to see upcoming Journal Clubs and other CardioNerds Events. We cannot wait to learn with you


Infographics & Tweetorials

Check out our collection of infographics on the CardioNerds Infographics Page and #Tweetorials on the CardioNerds Tweetorial Page!

There, you can find infographics and tweetorials organized and categorized by  by cardiovascular topic including

✔️Heart failure and transplantation, ✔️Arrhythmias and electrophysiology, ✔️Cardio-obstetrics, ✔️Cardiovascular imaging, ✔️Congenital heart disease, ✔️Prevention, ✔️Coronary artery disease, ✔️Critical care, ✔️Hypertension, ✔️Interventional/structural cardiology, ✔️Pericardial disease, ✔️Pulmonary ✔️Hypertension, ✔️Valvular heart disease, ✔️Women’s CV health, and  more!


CardioNerds Scholarships

CardioNerds Scholarships will support projects which satisfy our Mission to Democratize Cardiovascular Education by providing mentorship, sponsorship, and funding.

CardioNerds Scholarships

Medical Journalism: CardioNerds Correspondents

Check out our collection of published articles on our Medical Journalism CardioNerds Correspondents Page! 

Medical journalism empowers the masses with key and timely health information, distilled from primary literature and other sources. 

The Medical Journalism Program is an immersive experience whereby Correspondents develop as journalists in the cardiovascular arena. 

Information is power, and we aim to improve health equitably by empowering everyone with accurate, timely, and relevant cardiovascular health news.

CardioNerds Correspondents 2022

Disclaimer: The podcast, platform and website is not meant to be used for medical advice. The views expressed on our show and site do not reflect the opinions or policies of our employers. Any patient cases discussed are HIPPA compliant; some details are changed to protect privacy. Out of respect for our patients, the rest of the stories are told as they occurred.